Millennials Hall of Fame : fazle abed :: Fei-Fei Li :: sustainability's last race: 2020s mapping & zooming coalition of free SDG uni's- one per 20 million youth Thanks to the moon race decade of 1960s, we all became alumnisat (connected by telecoms satellites) including more recent web 1-2-3. Q why not COLLAB round one GOUP - Global Open University Poverty (last mile service solutions community to community)HG Wells - civilisation is a race between education and catastrophe:
coming how do the 51 years of alumni of fazle abed poverty alleviator cooperations match up with 76 years of the united nations - we map abed top36 hunicorn networks - being networks whose purpose is so life critical nobody wants to exit investment or politically quarrel over just replicating their services and improving access to their action learning

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


speaking hk fintech Aiaze Mitha
Digital Ambassador @ United Nations Capital Development Fund
Aiaze Mitha, Digital Finance and Sustainable Development Expert
Aiaze has led digital finance projects in 40+ countries and advised many international organizations such as the UN, World Bank, IFC and CGAP. He currently is a Digital Ambassador to UNCDF, leads the Dialogue on Governance of BigFintechs and was a Senior Advisor to the UNSG Task Force on Digital Financing of the SDGs. He also leads regular regulatory discussion groups on everything Fintech and is setting up a global alliance to green the world. Prior to that, Aiaze was Chief Officer at Tiaxa, a digital lending Fintech. He also directed the roll-out of M-Paisa in Afghanistan and led Mobile Money Guyana.
Aiaze sits on the Board of several Fintech startups. He holds a MSc. from University of Quebec and is a graduate of Telecom Paris.
WED-THU, MAY 26-27
Enabling Sustainability through FinTech
S&P Global Market Intelligence

Sunday, May 23, 2021

un refs goal 2- 2020 world peace prize wfp hq rome  fao/ifad also rome; 
another rome office coordinates annual summit of past nobel peace laureates and green club rome
vatican university coordinates - annual world prize celebrating youth community engagers
recently an underground colliseum 2.0 was excavated and aims to be youths home for remapping borderless cultural celebrations such as those needed in st francis day when with muslim leader he helped to sustain the western world trade relay aka the silk road
ai at wfp -geneva-zoom; 
to understand main sustainability crises being made worse by euro union see pope francis presentation at strasbourg 1 -pope francis and climate encyclical 6 years on  italy host g20 climaxes month before cop26 glasgow november

Saturday, May 22, 2021

education of sustainable generations?

 Can you imagine a nation built by a network of livelihood trainers distributed through every community starting in places with the least. Not just any nation but the one born poorest of any populous nation- as Bangladesh was born 1971 with the worlds 8th largest population with the least infrastructure - ie over 80% without access to electricity grids or running water.

Its not clear exactly when fazle abed realised this was what the Bangladesh rural advancement committees unique purpose would be. It sort of happened organically. He was an engineer, regional ceo for shell oil company, when a cyclone killed a million of his compatriots. In comparison trading oil seemed a meaningless career path so he sold his flat in london for about 30000 dollars and got a grant from oxfam to build 15000 village homes for 100000 refugees. No sooner than the homes were built than it was evident brac was responsible for their lives let alone their livelihoods. So trainers of health and village farming were needed to live and learn in the village- famine and dehydration killed up to a million infants each of the first years of bangladesh as a new nation (henry kissinger's basket case). Mediators of every life matters were needed too because culturally women were an underclass. Most people were illiterate so peer to peer teachers were needed.


 1976 accidentally turned out to be a magic moment on the continent. China was choosing what non-state corporations to legislate. Entrepreneurially there was much to like about abed's village microfranchise model. Because of the one child policy- half of chinese clans would over the next 20 years depend on their daughters education and microentrepreneurial spirit. So chinese village doctors and agricultural experts regularly started brainstorming with abed- see the book the quiet revolution by harvard's martha alter chen). These were not political exchanges - pure entrepreneurial ones in the original french sense of the word. Because abed was inspired by franciscan paulo freire - at an interpersonal and deep trust community level confucian, muslim and franciscan spirits mingled - for the first time since st francis contributions to the silk road.

There were a few traditional crafts people- preserving their skills through the community was needed, and a few villagers had exquisite design senses which match a period when brac operated silk farm microfranchises and may have planted bangladesh skills as a world leader in garment trade. 

One way to map what abed built is to cluster 6 solution networks gravitated by 6 human development purposes. Four of the goals clearly match the un's sdg 1-4. Bracs 5th solution compass resilient communities of 100000 where every lives matter matches sgd 5 in  exponential consequence even if the focus on women empowerment was also driven by the need for the whole community to self-organise against climate or other risks. Notably second generation children migrated to the cities so brac needed both to understand the new skills they needed and to help with financial remittances back to the villages. 

Over 50 years brac brought in every sort of partner that might help rural village mothers maximise community sustainability. Solutions that the fist 100000 refugees valued microfranchising were replicated across rural bangladesh. At the time of sir fazle's death there were approximately 100000 livelihood field trainers- one per 200 families linking in most of rural bangladesh. 

In addition to brac's full time fieldworkers there were over 100000 last mile health servants earning a living by distributing non prescription drugs and being best informed about special events such as nationwide vaccinations or how to end tuberculosis. Over 40000 primary schools had been sustained led by teachers who had peer to peer learned their own personal development and relationship to community building. 

1996: Halfway through abed's mission to empower a nation built on women ending extreme poverty technology partners had started to appear with mobiles and solar panels. Billionaires like bill gates and george soros started wanting not simply to help but to transfer what was working across brac to communities they had deep learning and data responsibilities for. Abed was a bit uncomfy -there was so much development work bangladesh needed. He says it wasn't until mrs steve jobs questioned him why wasnt brac's knowhow shared outside bangladesh that he opened up brac international with an hq in the netherlands, and soon jim kim , bill gates, george soros were helping launch brac open a small us office out of new york which was where epidemiologists linked by unicef;s james grant had most helped abed scale bracs nationwide village health service by mothers for mothers and infants.

The 6th compass involves understanding the geonomic diversity - the future history of the place the world calls bangladesh. Knowns include bangladesh trades its way through 3 main streams- agriculture, garments, remittances. 50 years own it remains isolated from asia's biggest growth epicentres- look at its position on the coast hemmed in by myanmar and india.

Yet Extraordinarily if the world is ever to develop under 30s as a first sdg generation then bangladesh as the most cooperative partnership nation in the future of livelihood learning networks has a role t o play like no other in terms of lives, women, youth, poorest matter.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

education 4.2

nearly 40 years have been put into improving playbooks of brac primary schools-  the most shared primary curriculum popular ever used 

- beginning with world's poorest and most collaborative montessori situations- girl friendly stories; happiness and confidence designed into accomplishing each skill...brac designed its complete k-5 curricula with two purposes; help the typical villade school get into top 10% when tested nationally at end of 5th grade; but otherwise have fun peer to peer connecting - with village relevant happy family contexts 

abed loved searching for teachers with actionable results- many of whom contributed to brac's teaching materials; he loved identifying missng curricula such as 2nd grade up financial literacy; primary was also a stepping stone for identifying young women who would change bangladesh for the better; while neith er governemt or donors would ashk him to design secondary schools- brac would line up secondary scholarships and increasing partner with libraries so that teeenage girls hosted skills learning clubs matched to livelihoods

compare for example brac maths books through 5th grafe with eg maths books used in us schools- i can tell you as a boy who did well inmaths in 1950s that these are designed to make us youth 40th mostcompetent in the world; they ,ake money for publishers; they make barely competent maths teachers feel in control; they are co-sponsored by oldest tech calculating instruments- nothing could be designed to miminise coding or numerate american youth

and that's just maths - let alone cross-cultural cross-gender friendships; valuing health in places with least medical suppor or most community risk factors- what a shame that usa didnt design textbook content k-5 the way francscans suggested in eg pedagogy of the oppressed- no wonder that brac schools became the world favorite content where the billion poorest mothers helped develop places

back in einstein's day, he queried why us education seemed designed to destroy development of teamworking skills; he wrote to gandhi on one day theonly sustainable nations will be led by servamt leaders like you; 

the world is so lucky that fazle abed spent 50 yeas on poverty alleviation and over 35 years as coordinating edotir of primary content; when first challnged by mrs steve jobs to go abroad his forst test market was how easily woulf brac bangladesh primary [laybooks translate to afghan schools- when the response was even more hope-building than hehad expected, he started seaching for the worlds most consistent partners in extending the knowhow of being an abed alumni; in a way ever child ging through brac k-5 got a chance for 6 years to be an alumni of abeds action learning and community building celebrations
reference learing living book published by wise to ce;ebrate abed as inaugural education laureate

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

4.3 celebrating teen livelihood education networks

 In dinner conversation, abed said: its extremely good that commonwealth aid has contributed so much to primary schools but its a pity that the millennium goal blocks funding of secondary schools. Thats where livelihood education needs most innovation. This was 2012. It may partly explain why abed's solutions to 11+ education need quite a lot of searching. He tried to find partnerships wherever he could- see the extraordinary early teens girls jobs clubs in uganda lead partnered with mastercard foundation. A lot of work on various skills apprenticeships connected around bangladesh libraries can be found. 

Abed hoped  all the sdg goals hunicorns he developed would keep asking how are teens included? Notably the new university coalitions- please  make sure their community engagement included teenagers and in offering training on the futures of public service in bangladesh it shouldn't be forgotten that any place which advances sustainaility generation through the 2920s is going to have transorfem teen education.

refs: flow  freire
adam smith alumni review 225 year crisis of teenage education -jeffersons children by botstein vc of bard new uni coalition osun

video how bbc number 2 green broadcaster might never have flowed at school

The MasterCard Foundation and BRAC Launch $46.7 Million Scholars Program for 5,000 Secondary Students in Uganda ... Over an eight year period, The ...
Mastercard Foundation Alumni at BRAC Uganda | 105 followers on LinkedIn. Creating a mass of ethical leaders through give back, advocacy and peer to peer ...

Monday, May 10, 2021